Fussy Eating Management

As common as fussy eating is with kids, that doesn’t make it any less challenging to navigate. We’ve pulled together some of our top tips to help you resist the temptation to pull your hair out and exiling broccoli from the kitchen, forever. 

Dont Label Your Kid As Fussy

It’s a bit like the time old tale of when someone announces they ‘aren’t very good at maths’, and as a result give up trying, or when someone is labelled the ‘class clown’ and they feel the constant urge to entertain. By removing eating labels we prevent our children from defining themselves as such, and allowing it to become a part of their identity. We don’t want to place extra barriers when maybe one day they will feel adventurous enough to give something green a go. 

Long Live The Mealtime Routine

Set and stick to firm boundaries around mealtimes. This might be that they eat at the same time, with the same plate, in the same place for their meals. This embedded routine will provide your kids with a cue for mealtime structures and will help build a good association with food and eating.

Stay Neutral

React to absolutely nothing. Keep a poker face. All food is fuel, it all serves a purpose and when we relax, our children react to this by listening to their own bodies, deciding how much and what to eat. If we don’t label food as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ or ‘naughty’ or ‘unhealthy’ then all food becomes what it is, fuel. You can talk about food using the senses, for example – the carrot is orange or the carrot is crunchy or soft.

Let Go Of The Pressure

Let your kiddies eat in a calm environment. Present their whole meal to them at once (including their dessert) and let them eat. If they don’t want to eat something, encourage them to put it aside and then tell you when they have finished. At the end of the meal, remove the plates without passing judgement.

Take A Seat

Sit with your kiddy and chat with them in a relaxed way to create a friendly, positive atmosphere.


Try not to give them a mountain of food that will intimidate them and make them feel like a failure if they don't finish it. If they struggle with peas, you can just put one on the plate. They can ask for more. Then slowly build up at the next meal once they have tried it. Also giving smaller portions of the things they like can encourage them to try the things they are less keen on because they are still hungry. Avoid saying things such as ‘you have to finish this before you can have this’ as this can build a hierarchy of food.

Hide Those Veggies 

If you are worried that your child isn’t getting enough nutrients then you can always add them into their food as hidden veggies that even the most seasoned detective would struggle to spot. This works well in bolognese, fish pie, lasagne and mac and cheese. Always tell them they are in there though; you don’t want to make the fear of trying things worse.

At Rumble Tums we have loads of yummy dishes that kids love and ask for, made with an array of ‘hidden’ veggies in two age appropriate portions.

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